Now you can let Refrens do the legwork while you sit back and watch your business grow as testimonials start pouring in automatically!
Receiving feedback - good or bad - is the lifeline of any business. Good feedback gets you more clients, and bad one helps you identify the areas for improvement before it's too late.
But the problem is, getting honest client feedback is really tough - until now.
Now you can send an automated testimonial request to your clients in just one click while marking an invoice as paid.
If you don't want to do this every time you mark a payment, you can just go to business settings > emails & notifications > testimonials to automate this every time an invoice is marked as paid.
Once you enable this, your clients will get an automated email to share their reviews & feedback on the services they received from you.
After you receive any feedback, you can choose to show them on your profile & also easily share it on any social media platforms.
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