Avante HR Services
Hello. It would be great if the quotation acceptance process can be more seamless by directly allowing clients to accept, reject, or request a modification to a quotation. When they view the quotation, there is no clear next steps, so adding these options would be helpful. "Add as purchase order" is not relevant for all clients.
Vaidik from Refrens
Vaidik from Refrens
Hi Avante HR Services: we do have this. You can see more details here:
Or just reach out to your Account Manager. They'll help you with a quick walkthrough and set it up for you.
Avante HR Services
Vaidik from Refrens that’s great! I’ll give it a try. Thanks.
Vaidik from Refrens
Avante HR Services: Great! Please explore it and let us know if you find any issues. We don't have support for "Modification Request", but we'll add it to the pipeline and start on it soon.